Sunday, February 04, 2007

Science Alive

I had fun at the Science Alive event, but I must admit that I felt very nervous at first at participating. I'm not somebody with a lot of math confidence, but I think it was great that we had a lot of students from our class participating. It was great getting to know my fellow classmates better too. I hadn't been there more than a few minutes when Amanda had Tori and I all looped together. Try this at your next dinner party. I highly recommend this as a get acquainted activity. (just kidding) I think one of the most important messages is that math can be fun and definitely relates to everyday life. There is math in everything we do. The same is true for statistics. I don't know that I would go so far as to say that statistics is fun, but it definitely relates to everyday life. I also never realized that math can actually produce something as beautiful as the "wreath" (donut or torus) that Amanda Serenevy made out of 2 inch squares of paper. She explained to me that the inside of it was made up of septagons and the outside of pentagons and the rest of it of hexagons, which has to do with the angles that these shapes form that allows you to weave the pieces of paper together. (Amanda, please correct me if I explained that wrong.) Anyway, it was great that so many people came to the event and had fun with our activities. I learned how to fold a jumping frog and went home and impressed my husband with the demonstration of what happens when you cut the two interlocked circles. Thanks to Amanda and Dean Serenevy for providing this opportunity to us.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

I want to thank everyone who volunteered at the Science Alive event. You were all great and really made the event a fantastic success!

Kim, you explained the idea about the polygons in the torus just right! I have posted the handouts that we used at the Science Alive event along with an explanation about the torus, and folding instructions.