To recap, the legend is as follows:
Red--IUSB faculty and students
Purple--IUSB administration
Blue--Friends and family
Since airing the radio essay on NPR, I've been contacted by Marianne Peters, Freelance Writer, and Elizabeth Scarborough, Member of the Audobon Society. Both have expressed their interest in participating with this project. Marianne and I will be co-authoring a paper on environmental and practical issues that relate to conservation. And Elizabeth and I have discussed plans to have the Audobon Society participate at the festival. Of course, I will keep you informed as these plans continue to develop.
So, for those of you who are in the network, THANKS for your support. I sincerely appreciate it. And if you don't see your name in the network, but wish to become a part of this project, all you need to do is contact me!